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그 외/[BOX ENG] 영숙어

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[영숙어] 최종 테스트용

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그 외/[BOX ENG] 영숙어

[영숙어] live

live 더보기 살다 살아가다 live down 더보기 ~를 잊고 살다 live down a mistake live down the past He can never live down losing to Adam Eve couldn't live down the memory of her deceased boyfriend live for 더보기 ~를 위해 살다 ~에 목숨을 걸다 live for a world peace live for speed You need something to live for He lived for music all his life live on 더보기 ~로 먹고살다, ~로 생계를 있다 live on rice live on a small income They lived on just wa..

그 외/[BOX ENG] 영숙어

[영숙어] show

show 더보기 보여주다 알려주다 남들이 보게끔 하다 show around 더보기 (사람을) 안내하다, 구경시키다 show around the campus show around the floor I'm going to show him around my hometown The assistant showed the visitors around the city ≒ give a tour of I gave hime a tour of my rose garden show off 더보기 과시하다, 자랑하다 show off his new car show off her skills The exhibition aims to show off the latest models of mobile phones ≒ boast Thos..

그 외/[BOX ENG] 영숙어

[영숙어] stay

stay 더보기 같은 장소나 상황을 유지하다 stay away from 더보기 ~로 부터 떨어져 있다 ~를 멀리하다 stay away from drugs stay away from troubles I was told to stay away from strangers Stay away from the chemicals ≒ keep away from The girl was told to keep away from the stove stay behind 더보기 뒤에 남다 stay behind the others stay behind at home I would rather stay behind by myself Josh had to stay behind after school and write his name..

그 외/[BOX ENG] 영숙어

[영숙어] stand

stand 더보기 어떠한 상태를 유지하다 바로 있게하다 stand by 더보기 stand by: 방관하다 stand by O: 편들다 stand by and let it happen stand by his plan She just stood by and said nothing He stood by Japan's nuclear principles ≒ support The citizen groups are supporting a new candidate from the socialist party stand for 더보기 지지하다 나타내다, 증명하다, 의미하다 stand for freedom stand for the candidate They stood for the Peace Party GM stands ..

그 외/[BOX ENG] 영숙어

[영숙어] fit

fit 더보기 모양이나 사이즈가 꼭 맞다 fit in 1 더보기 꼭 들어맞다 끼워 놓다 적응하다 fit in at the new school She couldn't fit in at her new company Four children managed to fit in the back of the car This battery doesn't fit in ≒ adapt oneself to The boy adapted himself very well to the school in a year fit in 2 더보기 시간을 내서 맞춰 넣다 (병원 appointment에 올려주거나 약속을 할 때 많이 사용된다) fit you in Tuesday morning fit her into his schedule Let ..

그 외/[BOX ENG] 영숙어

[영숙어] send

send 더보기 본인 또는 다른 사람을 시켜서 무언가를 전달하도록 하다 send back 더보기 반품하다, 돌려보내다 send back the order send my food back She sent back the dress because it didn't fit her Customers can send back products within 5 days of purchase ≒ return They decided to return the money donated by the politician send for 더보기 ~를 보내달라고 요청하다 send for a doctor send for a catalog They sent for his family as his condition was critica..

그 외/[BOX ENG] 영숙어

[영숙어] hand

hand 더보기 건네주다 hand back 더보기 돌려주다, 반환하다 hand back the vistor's pass hand back the borrowd items The property was handed back to its original owner before the war ≒ return Please return th survey in the attachd envelope hand down 더보기 물려주다 hand down a ring a tale handed down from generation to generation The family is proud of thier recipes that have been handed down ≒ bequeath to one's heir The we..

그 외/[BOX ENG] 영숙어

[영숙어] set

set 더보기 대상을 어떠한 자리나 상황에 정해서 두다 조정하다 맞추다 set aside 더보기 따로 빼놓다 set aside money for his retirement set aside judgement The company set aside an additional 1 million dollars for employee benefits ≒ keep O separately She kept his meals separately in the refrigerator set in 더보기 시작하다 찾아오다 The rainy season has set in Depression set in Age has set in Lockdown blues have set in, and it's gnawing on my sou..

그 외/[BOX ENG] 영숙어

[영숙어] have

have 더보기 가지다, 소유하다 대상의 상태를 어떻게 만들다 대상의 상태를 유지하다 have on 더보기 (옷을) 입은 상태이다 (상태) vs. put on (동작) have a coat on have a hair piece on Ralph had his pajamas on The boy had his overalls on ≒ be wearing Scarlet was wearing the costume of the Queen of Heart at the masked ball have out 더보기 (몸에서 무언가를) 들어내다, 제거하다 have a tooth out have an appendix out He had his wisdom tooth out He had a rotten tooth out ≒ ..