The Outfit 대본 공부
1) This Judas who's betrayed your family.
judas = traitor
2) I'll wager…
wager 틀림없이 ~일 것이다, 분명히 ~임이 틀림없다
3) I never imagined things would get so out of control.
상황이 이렇게까지 나빠질 줄은 몰랐거 든요
4) Spit it out.
어서 말해 봐요
5) Holy shit, you had me.
세상에, 감쪽같네
6) A tailor sews on buttons and hems trousers.
hem 단을 줄이다
7) A quarter of a mile in which the greatest craftsmen in the world all ply their trade.
ply 다루다
ply their trade 사업을 하다
8) What, Krauts bomb your place?
Kraut 독일 놈
9) so these blue jeans became all the rage. These fashionable things, they don't last.
all the rage 일시적인 대유행
10) The things I make, like that suit of yours… it's timeless.
timeless (세월이 흘러도) 변함없다
11) So you thought that a bunch of fancypants in England, couldn't appreciate the finer things, so you came to Chicago?
그러니까 영국 멋쟁이들이 고급 옷을 감 당하지 못해서 시카고에 왔다는 거죠?
12) You must fucking love Red Hots.
Red Hots 핫도그
13) I came to a place that isn't weighed down…with bitter history.
쓰라린 역사에 짓눌리지 않은 곳을 찾아온 거죠
14) My pops can see the mangiest mutt on the street, and if he's got teeth sharp enough, he'll be eating with us at the dinner table.
mangiest 지저분한, 더러운
mutt 똥개
15) Oh, no, you can't think he has anything to do with this.
설마 그분이 이 일과 관련이 있다고 생각하진 마요
16) It's not my place to speak ill of Master Richie,
speak ill of ~을 흉보다, 험담하다
17) "Francis thinks he can pull one over on me."
pull one over on ~를 속이다
18) He keeps fiddling with your briefcase.
fiddle 만지작 거리다
19) I haven't left him. Till now.
계속 곁에 있었어요 지금까지는요
20) How you feeling? Oh, I'm just peachy
peachy 좋은, 아주 멋진
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