'영어/[The Outfit] 대본 공부' 카테고리의 글 목록

영어/[The Outfit] 대본 공부

영어/[The Outfit] 대본 공부

The Outfit 대본 공부 (11)

The Outfit 대본 공부 11일차 (마지막) 1) Like a spoiled child who'd rather break his own toys than watch somebody else play with them. spoiled child 버릇없는 아이 2) So I will admit to a…satisfaction earlier… at 31st and Halsted when I put a gun to Roy Boyle's head and watched him die as he'd lived. admit a satisfaction 만족감을 인정하다 3) Sorry he ever met me. 나를 만나다니 참 안 됐어 4) But nobody stopped to think, "What's go..

영어/[The Outfit] 대본 공부

The Outfit 대본 공부 (10)

The Outfit 대본 공부 10일차 1) You got your hustle. I got mine.hustle  = a fraud or swindle 2) I've spent my entire life watching you leeches suck this neighborhood dry.leech 거머리 3) Mable can tell the La Fontaines where to ambush him, and offer to sell them the tape. where to V ~할 곳 4) if Roy Boyle and all his senior lieutenants die tonight, lieutenants 간부 미국식 [ luː|tenənt ] 영국식 [ lef|tenənt ] 5) And ..

영어/[The Outfit] 대본 공부

The Outfit 대본 공부 (9)

The Outfit 대본 공부 9일차 1) there's a bloodstain on the carpet. bloodstain 핏자국 2) Was he? I wouldn't know. He wasn't really around much. be around much 함께 많이 있었다 3) Like I said, I don't have the foggiest. like i said 말한 것처럼, 말씀드렸다시피 foggiest 짐작되는 것 ex. not have the foggiest ~에 대해 전혀 감도 잡지 못하다, 아무것도 모르다 haven't got the foggiest 짐작이 가지 않는다, 모르겠다 Do you know where she is? Sorry, I haven't the foggiest ..

영어/[The Outfit] 대본 공부

The Outfit 대본 공부 (8)

The Outfit 대본 공부 8일차 1) Not a single thing is good. 좋은 소식이 하나도 없다 2) We should let him head home. head 가다 3) It's gonna be a long night. They usually are, sir. 긴 밤이 될 것 같군. 밤은 대개 그렇죠 4) We go back and forth. 우린 말싸움을 계속했다 5) Every cut I've made, I made with these shears. 천을 자를 때마다 사용하거든요 6) I read something once about…how the thing that separates man from monkeys is tools. seperate A from B B로부터 ..

영어/[The Outfit] 대본 공부

The Outfit 대본 공부 (7)

The Outfit 대본 공부 7일차 1) I don't know anything about lying, subterfuge. subterfuge 속임수 2) You don't know how to say one thing when you mean something else? 원래 돌려 말하는 거 좋아하지 않나요? 3) Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes. 자네를 보니 참 반갑네 (= You are a sight for sore eyes) 4) You're in one piece? 잘 지냈나? 건강은 괜찮은가? 5) I'm at your service, sir. 별말씀을요 6) Are we quite all in one piece, sir? 혹시 어디 다치셨나요? 7) ..

영어/[The Outfit] 대본 공부

The Outfit 대본 공부 (6)

The Outfit 대본 공부 6일차 1) All those bullets flying around, but the La Fontaines, they didn't land a single one on you, hmm? fly around 빗발치다 land a single one 한 발을 쏘다 2) I checked in with a hi-fi shop, owes us a favor. hi-fi shop 음향 장비점 owes us a favor 우리한테 신세 진 3) I'm gonna go over with it this minute. 이거 갖고 바로 가보려 한다 4) So you want to take the tape? Yeah. Pronto. pronto 당장, 빨리 5) Why don't I go w..

영어/[The Outfit] 대본 공부

The Outfit 대본 공부 (5)

The Outfit 대본 공부 5일차 1) This Judas who's betrayed your family. judas = traitor 2) I'll wager… wager 틀림없이 ~일 것이다, 분명히 ~임이 틀림없다 3) I never imagined things would get so out of control. 상황이 이렇게까지 나빠질 줄은 몰랐거 든요 4) Spit it out. 어서 말해 봐요 5) Holy shit, you had me. 세상에, 감쪽같네 6) A tailor sews on buttons and hems trousers. hem 단을 줄이다 7) A quarter of a mile in which the greatest craftsmen in the world all p..

영어/[The Outfit] 대본 공부

The Outfit 대본 공부 (4)

The Outfit 대본 공부 4일차 1) And if they come here, I won't be able to placate their suspicions. placate their suspicions 의혹을 달래다, 설득하다 2) I'm useless to you. I'm a liability. liability 법적 책임, 골칫거리(여기서는 이 뜻으로 사용됨) 3) This is a tape from a bug. 도청 녹음테이프예요 4) Some new gizmo the Feds came up with. 연방 수사관들의 새 장비죠 5) The Hoover boys planted their bug in one of our spots. 정부 놈들이 도청 장치를 우리 거점에 설치했어요 6) Frie..

영어/[The Outfit] 대본 공부

The Outfit 대본 공부 (3)

The Outfit 대본 공부 3일차 1) He thinks we got a rat. rat 밀고자 2) Cause if I had been there, that would've been me. 가정법: 만약 내가 거기 있었다면, 내가 대신 맞았을걸 had pp, would have pp 3) You're going places. 너는 잘나가지 4) Step two is drawing. drawing 바느질 5) And for some, this can be the most purely enjoyable step. You're only just exploring. for some 누군가에겐 exploring 꿰메는 것 6) But I will caution you to heed your patterns...

영어/[The Outfit] 대본 공부

The Outfit 대본 공부 (2)

The Outfit 대본 공부 2일차 1) What else does a man need besides his shears? 그의 가위 말고 또 뭐가 필요할까요? 2) You know what would make it happen sooner? A raise. 그걸 빨리 실현하려면 뭐가 필요할까요? 임금이죠 3) I best go see if Master Richie needs me. 리치 씨가 나를 필요로할테니 나는 가보는게 좋겠소 4) speak of the devils. 호랑이도 제 말하면 나타난다더니 5) I meant no offense. 별 의미 없이 한 말이에요 6) The horologist's apprentice popped in yesterday. horologist's apprenti..